Wednesday, 16 October 2024
Health News

When breast isn’t best: Contentious new bottle-feeding campaign hits NZ |

Chelsea Martin tells of the stigma she faced after struggling to breast-feed the twins and instead topping them up with infant formula.

A new bottle-feeding campaign argues that health authorities’ exclusive breastfeeding regulations are harming some babies. Is it scaremongering that unnecessarily undermines years of public health education – or is it true that “fed is best”?


When Chelsea Martin’s twins were born three weeks early the “pressure was on” for them to gain weight.

But feeding daughter Millie and son Ollie didn’t come easily for the 34-year-old New Zealander.

On their first night at their Brisbane home, the twins, born weighing 3070 grams and 2454g respectively, were hungry and unsettled. Martin and partner Rhys had no idea what was wrong. “It was really stressful,” says Auckland-born Martin.

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